Vice Tricks, Whiskey Daredevils, Tunesmiths

Vice Tricks, Whiskey Daredevils, Tunesmiths

Tunesmiths, 9PM - 10:30PM -  "The Tunesmiths are one of Louisville's fastest growing bands. These four craftsmen have made a name for themselves with high energy performances and creating unforgettable music at an incredible pace. Their genre-bending, timeless material combines the raw energy and power of rock n’ roll guitar, the smooth vocals of R&B, and the catchy rhythms of Soul. This group is a “must see” for music-goers looking for a great show and inventive music. The Tunesmiths remind us that true musicians and songwriters are still making waves in the independent music world, and you can find them right here in Louisville." - WFPK Radio Louisville

Whiskey Daredevils, 10:45PM - 12:15AM -  The cowpunk/country/rock-a-billy quartet of singer Greg Miller, drummer Leo P. Love, bassist Sugar Wildman and guitarist Gary Siperko was born in 2004 from the ashes of a couple of high-energy twang-heavy bands, including Lords of the Highway and Cowslingers and Mofos.

The band has been working on its new album Nashville Surprise — so-called because, as singer Miller recently said in an interview on, “what bunch of idiots goes to Nashville and then records a rock record?”

But while finishing up the record, the band decamped to Rust Belt studios in Detroit with known roots-rock producer John Smerek (Detroit Cobras, Electric Six and, ummm … Cesaria Evora). In one eight-hour session, the Daredevils recorded The Genny Session EP while members were fueled by a 30-pack of god-awful Genesee Beer (the EP could have been called The Neon Yellow Urine Sessions or The Death Breath Sessions) and their love of punk, rock and very American roots music.

The band recorded eight songs — five covers and three originals — for a taut 25-minute EP that does a good job of summing up its approach.

 Vice Tricks, 12:30AM - 2AM -  Forming from the ashes of prominent long-running Louisville Rock & Punk bands, Vice Tricks began as a way to combine our love of melodic 50’s-60’s Rock & Roll with the energy of 70’s punk rock. Along the way have carefully crafted, carved, and botched our sound into something unique. By mixing the deep growl of the Upright Bass with a couple of dirty guitars and a classically trained pianist we’ve developed Vice Tricks into the chaos machine that it is.